Question & Answer
How would a friend spend 24hrs in your city? I would definitely recommend them to spend the day in Chinatown. Although there are Chinatowns in several other countries, most of them pale in comparison to the character and rich heritage of the Chinatown in Singapore. The shop-houses and old flats remain, even after decades of wear and tear from the weather and the Second World War. It is one of the few places that still preserve our cultural roots. When Singapore found a niche in commerce under British rule, Chinatown was very much a key centre of activities. What does your city mean to you? Singapore to me is a vibrant city that we are very proud to call home. I quote a friend on this: “A clean and green environment is what we want. Away with the trash and bring on the plants. Spick and span, no more plastic cans.”
What influence does your heritage have on your work? Because of my heritage and being an Asian, my work plays a small part in promoting Asian arts. For example, in my works, I use Asian models and occasionally Chinese symbols .
What are the 3 biggest influences on your work? God, people and music. Breaking that down — relationships, characteristics, personalities and cultural influences.
How could you improve the art scene in your city ? By getting more involved in it, co-opting and joining other passionate designers. The Government has several initiatives to encourage and promote the arts. Currently, I am trying to help promote local artists to get recognised — but not just in Singapore. I know a few Singaporean artists who I most certainly feel deserve more recognition .
Which city would you most ike to visit and why? New York. The art scene there is vibrant. In that city, there are several excellent advertising agencies and many very talented artists. I would definitely love to work in New York and to immerse myself in the art scene there.
How do you unwind at the end of the day? Doodling on a sketchpad, going to a nearby bookstore and becoming a bookworm with graphic books, attending friends’ gigs, playing board games at friends’ places, but best of all — taking a long nap with my ear plugs on . Name one film everyone should see. The Science of Sleep by Michel Gondry!