rise Why Rise?

Throughout history, Asia has been associated with the rise of invention, trade and art. Today the idea of ‘rise’ has a whole new currency. The eyes of the world are on the people of Asia as the engine of the future.

Apple Nana Apple Nana Apple Nana

I try to express RISE as clouds and vapor floating in the air. Those gleaming images have widened my imagination. I tried to express the feeling of “unconstrained”..

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Khaki Khaki Khaki Creative

My work is about the rise from the old to the new, from the traditional to the modern, of Asia , which is portrayed through architecture, stories, and dialogues, in which all influence my artistic style with the use of watercolour combining digital..

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kinetic kinetic


The only way to combat the ever-growing population of Asia is to build upwards.

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pixelpastry pixelpastry Pixel Pastry

Tiger Beer has given many of us in Singapore another reason to be proud of our nation. Tiger Beer has risen from a local beer to an international brand widely recognized throughout the world. I want to use its brand success and its famous symbol of a Tiger to reflect Singapore 's success in developing into a first world country. While the young Singapore had a very difficult beginning struggling for independence, its people have always been tenacious and forward-looking.

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KS KS Qian Qian

Here I interpret "RISE" as optimistic ways of living and progress. Visually translate our modern life by mixing both west and east styles. When there is material and spiritual richness in modern Asia , we see the rise of the whole area as a new power and excitement. Individually, this RISE is reflected as progress of living quality. In new Asia , I see particularly the hybrid of different cultures becoming more and more diverse and fruitful. My work attempts to reflect this optimistic progress and diversity in our daily life.

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Shearnation Shearnation Shear Nation

Rise of power, rise of status, rise of standards, rise of any factors that will bring good to humanity and the society.

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EeShaun EeShaun Eeshaun

My artwork is a symbolic of renewal and rebirth, as well as wealth, luck and prosperity. It is a sign of how the Chinese people have emerged over last decades to become a powerful force within the global community. It is also a reminder of our heritage because tradition is still important to me. Asia rules!

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SokKuan SokKuan SokKuan

To me, RISE is a positive energy, it also means a re-start after a fall. In this illustration, you will see Sophie Black (a character that I have created many years back) floating upwards in rising rain, having fun with her evil and mischievous black hair interlocked with her passion, memory and dream.

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Terms & ConditionsTiger Beer 2007