Why Rise?
Throughout history, Asia has been associated with the rise of invention, trade and art. Today the idea of ‘rise’ has a whole new currency. The eyes of the world are on the people of Asia as the engine of the future. |
Alice Chan
“Rise” is a state of excitement, which denotes a feeling of happiness and humor in my artworks. The witch is carrying a monster; she is flying up into the sky. The Japanese girl is drinking wine, while the sea monster suddenly rises from the lake. The snowman is smoking, and the smoke rises like a balloon, up into the sky. The cave monster lights up its octopus light. All the bats are scared and fly out from the cave. The tree monster wants to find a new life, so she escapes from the cool forest.
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Ann Xiao
To me, the rising Asia is just like the rockets in my artwork, that it is about to fly high, and it is full of fun, full of the oriental spirit, like a playground of the children. The rockets showing in my artwork used to be Chinese traditional installations to celebrate festivals. They used sugar buns and colorful paper to build the giant rockets.
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Boonchai Boonnoppornkul
The main inspiration for my artwork is “Buddhism”. I do believe that it is the religion that lifts people's spirit high. Personally, I keep the high faith towards Buddhism which become more popular not only in Asian but the rest of the world as well. So, for me “RISE” means Risen by Buddhism.
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Cao Feng
RISE is a process. It's the explosive aftermath of accumulative forces. It represents a moment in time, a sudden spark of creativity, my way of life, the music I enjoy, a dialogue with the inner self.
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My artwork reveals rock and pop iconography and elements that characterize a phenomenon born in these last years, which is still in a phase of evolution. I also try to depict the cultural difference of the East and the West by using symbols like bats. All of which is my response to RISE. Fuelled by optimism and happiness, the Tigers are reborn into a new era of possibilities.
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Darren Soh
Rise of the Night is a series of nocturnal landscape photographs made in Singapore by night, often in areas with little or no ambient light, deliberately doing so to avoid the bright lights city image that many are familiar with when Singapore is mentioned.
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Double Happy
Rise is a combination of confidence, innocence and paranoia; I was trying to portray this with my imagery. The tiger represents a mixture of power and confidence. It has the want and need to move forward, to keep up with technological changes and embrace changing global dynamics, yet is so attached and entrenched in its past that it finds it hard to break the ties and rise above them.
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Herbie Phoon
I wanted to show the notion when faith are fallen and things couldn't get any more worse, the only direction left to go is up, hence ‘rise'. All the work has that thought behind one way or another.
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